


Multi Super App hits record number of users

Aiming to offer customers functionalities that help them on their journeys in the malls, Multiplan constantly seeks to create ever-greater integration between the physical and digital environments. This past weekend, in yet another achievement for the company, the Multi App  ranked 5th among the most downloaded shopping apps in the App Store, ahead of retail and e-commerce giants.

The app has achieved consistent results, with more than 3 million downloads, breaking its record of unique users in 30 days, two weeks ahead of last year and doubling (nearing tripling) the number of times it was accessed - making it the highest downloaded app in the Brazilian shopping mall industry.

During the third quarter of this year, Multi made available more than 1,500 discount coupons and various benefits that were booked over 150,000 times by its users. In order to enhance the app even further, Multiplan has worked to make Multi the gateway to events and attractions in its shopping centers, providing virtual queues, scheduled times, and other conveniences for customers while increasing the Company's operational efficiency. In total, Multi offered 215 different events and attractions that benefited over 190,000 Multi users and their companions.

The growth in the base and use of the application is the result of the execution of the strategy the company established: to create a proprietary channel for direct contact with its clients to offer functionalities that help them on their journey in the malls. This process has enabled us to know our customers better, resulting in the ability to be more assertive in showing what our malls offer, boosting traffic flows attendance and consumption, while providing valuable insights for business decisions, thanks to our phygital recommendation engine, OmniMIND.