This Christmas, the most-awaited presence in the world will not bypass Multiplan's malls: Santa Claus is confirmed at their celebrations, with some necessary adaptations to ensure compliance with coronavirus safety protocols. Mallgoers at Multiplan's complexes will have the opportunity to check out the special seasonal decorations and also interact with Father Christmas himself.
All 18 malls managed by Multiplan have erected totems to ensure that everybody can take a traditional photo with Santa Claus – and with their friends, as well, such as is available in ParkShopping Campo Grande, in Rio de Janeiro (RJ). At ShoppingVilaOlímpia, ShoppingAnáliaFranco, São Paulo (SP), ParkShopping Canoas, Canoas (RS) and ParkShopping, Federal District (DF) it is possible to choose an outfit for Santa before taking a selfie.
At ShoppingAnáliaFranco, visitors can watch what Santa is doing at home in real time – through a hidden camera: cooking, gymnastics, answering messages on his cell phone, checking orders at the toy factory, among other daily activities. Want to talk to him? Just send a WhatsApp message from the mall. Santa will respond with a personal audio recording to every child who sends a letter in the form of a message.
In BarraShopping in Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Santa Claus is protected behind a large show window in the Events Square. Through a sound system and microphone, kids can chat with him and set up a perfect selfie. Santa will be with the public from Tuesday to Sunday, from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. At VillageMall, also in Rio, good old St. Nick also will interact in real time with visitors through a large screen installed next to the Main Tree.
At MorumbiShopping, in São Paulo (SP), Santa will be communicating with kids as if they were on a video call, respecting the minimum necessary distance. The Christmas interaction will be through an upright high resolution TV screen while he is in a room in the mall, properly protected without direct contact with the public.
BarraShoppingSul, in Porto Alegre (RS), offers, in addition, the possibility of photos taken virtually with Santa Claus. The mall has prepared an exclusive space to welcome Christmasing families. Parents or guardians of children should schedule the personalized event with Santa Claus through BarraShoppingSul's website. Lives take place until December 24 - Monday to Saturday, from 12 p.m. to 10 p.m.; and on Sundays, from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m.
In Curitiba (PR), Santa also will make daily digital visits to ParkShoppingBarigüi for interaction with consumers. He'll appear daily to greet kids, from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. The mall has reserved a special area in the decoration of the central square so that each child can speak individually to Father Christmas, with live, high-rez digital transmissions.
Anyone who goes to Multiplan malls in the coming weeks can also participate in the Company's Christmas sale promotions. Throughout the Christmas period, the safety measures adopted since the reopening of the malls will be maintained: the already intense cleaning routine will be buttressed, the air renewal process will be expanded, mask use by all is mandatory, the number of points with gel alcohol dispensers will be increased as will the limitations regarding maximum mall capacity, among other actions, pursuant to the determinations of the authorities of each city and state.