


Multiplan supports the Red Signal campaign against domestic violence

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Created by the Brazilian Magistrates Association (AMB), in partnership with the National Council of Justice in 2020, the Sinal Vermelho (Red Signal) campaign against domestic violence will have Multiplan's support for the second consecutive year. The Company and all 18 of its managed malls will contribute to publicizing the initiative on their social networks and media spaces.

The campaign was developed in response to the surge in violence against women during the COVID-19 pandemic, designed to facilitate the reporting of abuses, threats and aggressions. To reinforce the cause during Magistrate's Day, celebrated Aug. 11, the iconic Christ the Redeemer statue dominating Rio de Janeiro received a red “X” in the palm of each hand, symbol of the request for help.

With a red “X” drawn on the palm of one hand, women can silently call for help at more than 15,000 pharmacies across the country. Attendants have been trained, upon seeing the sign, to immediately call police authorities.

This year, the Sinal Vermelho campaign became a federal cooperation program, foreseen in law 14.188/21. This week, the initiative also gained a new website (