


Multiplan Malls promote blood donation campaign

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Multiplan's shopping centers are carrying out a series blood donation campaigns during the month in which Blood Donor Day is celebrated (June 14). The action is designed to encourage members of the general population to donate blood, while alerting to the low stocks in blood banks around the country.

On June 21, from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., ShoppingAnáliaFranco (SP) will organize the same campaign, a partnership with Instituto Pró Sangue. At MorumbiShopping ( SP), clients can donate blood to the São Paulo Blood Bank on June 23, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Both actions are in partnership with the AMORSEDOA project and require prior scheduling via the link On June 8 and 9, ShoppingVilaOlímpia (SP) participated in the campaign, in partnership with the São Lucas Hemocentro.

In BarraShopping (RJ), blood donation will occur on June 23, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., at the Convention Center of the BarraShopping Medical Center.On June 24-25, ParkShoppingCampoGrande (RJ) will host the activity, starting at 10 a.m.The Rio de Janeiro projects maintain a partnership with Hemorio, which has resulted in more than 9,600 bags of blood being donated, helping to save more than 38,000 lives. It is important to note that people who have tested positive for Covid-19 must wait 30 days to be able to donate. To donate, also check all the rules established by each partner health institution.

The action is part of the “Multiplique o Bem” (Multiply the Good) project, a hub of social initiatives adopted by the Company, another Multiplan initiative in favor of health.

Multiplan's shopping malls continue to comply with the security measures adopted against Covid-19, with the mandatory use of protective masks, an increase in the number of gel alcohol dispensers available in the projects, limitation of the maximum capacity of people, reinforcement of the already intense cleaning routine and more air renewal. These measures also complied with the strict protocols developed by infectologists hired by Multiplan, augmenting the malls' commitments to health and wellness.