Produced by Lápis Raro, the video lightheartedly portrays the challenges and delights of motherhood
"Don't think that when she becomes mother, a woman abandons all the other women she one day once was. Nonsense. She accumulates more women inside herself. She becomes many." This is one of the beautiful messages that make up the film in honor of Mothers Day that Multiplan is launching this Monday, May 2, on Facebook, Instagram and in the form of online advertorials. Written by advertising and fashion consultant Cris Guerra with illustrations by Anna Cunha, the video was produced by the Minas Gerais-based Lápis Raro ad agency.
The video is a tribute to women who daily multiple their various iterations to account for all the transformations and obligations that parenthood brings to their lives. "The idea of this film emerged when we read Cris' book, which offers a very sensitive look at the transformation of a woman, once she becomes a mother," explained Cris Cortez, Creative Director at Lápid Raro.
Over two minutes and a half long, the video depicts through playful images — with references through animation — the changes in a woman's life with the arrival of motherhood. It speaks to the fears, insecurities and doubts of new mothers, but also portrays, most importantly, their accomplishments and delights. Mothers are relentless, even when exhausted. Brave, yet terrified. Many, even if alone. Predictable, yet surprising.
"Mother's Day is the second-leading date on the Brazilian retailing calendar. And, this year, in addition to traditional promotions with giveaways and drawing prizes, we decided to go further and prepare a real tribute to mothers. With great sensitivity and delicacy, this campaign inspired Cris Guerra's book, is a special gift from Multiplan to all mothers," according to Rodrigo Perez, Multiplan's marketing manager.
The film will run until May 8. Check out the video below:
Creative direction: Carla Madeira and Cris Cortez
Creation and Concept: Cris Cortez and Cris Guerra
Account Director: Simone Moreira
Account Manager: Renata Pereira
Account Service: Luiza Romano
Planning Manager: Pedro Sampaio
Media Manager: Liliane Lima
Media: Henrique Duarte and Adriana Akamine
Electronic Production Manager: Suzana Latini
Electronic Production Assistant: Viviane Campos
Director of Digital Communication: Juliana Duarte
Social Networks: Fernando Craviée and Leandro Nascimento
Operations: Patricia Abranches and Annelisa Braga
Proofing: Teresa Cristina Brandão and Adair Fernandes
Film producer: Apiário
Text "Mothers": Cris Guerra
Illustrations: Anna Cunha
Publisher: Editora Miguilim
Audio production: Oitava
Musical Director: Flávio Guerra
Client approval: José Isaac Peres, Rodrigo Peres, Mônica Rocha, Leandro Tasca and Adriana Antunes