For the seventh consecutive year, the survey conducted by Institutional Investor with financial market investors indicated Multiplan as the best-rated large company in the Latin American real estate sector. This is the first year that the Company led all eight categories of the sector.
The Company's founder and president, José Isaac Peres, was once again elected the best CEO of the Latin American real estate sector. In addition, Vice President Armando d'Almeida Neto was once again considered the best CFO among all companies in the sector.
The Investor Relations team and IR program took first place, as well as the Director of Planning and Investor Relations, Hans Melchers, who was considered the best professional in the sector.
Multiplan also took first place in relevant categories such as ESG (environmental, social and governance), crisis management during COVID-19, and best event for investors and analysts. With these votes, Multiplan, according to the survey, positions itself as one of the most honored companies in the continent.
The agility and quality of the disclosure of results, as well as market knowledge and the quality of the team's service and communication, are part of the criteria evaluated by the participants of the survey. The results of this year's survey were based on the votes of 911 professionals from financial services firms that cover the region.
The survey has been conducted for more than 50 years by Institutional Investor with leading analysts covering the Asian, European, Japanese, Latin American, and U.S. markets.