Always seeking to bring the best of innovation to the consumer, Multiplan posted growth of 350% in sales over the Multi Superapp in the two weeks prior to Easter Sunday compared to the same period last year. Created in 2019, the Multi Superapp offers solutions for both shopkeepers and consumers, who are able to make their purchases with more convenience and facilities.
In 2020, four malls were integrated into the solution and, today, it is already available in 17 of the 18 malls managed by the Company. The malls that were already integrated with Multi in the last year saw a consistent increase in their sales, as was the case of MorumbiShopping, in São Paulo, which quadrupled its sales, and BarraShopping, in Rio de Janeiro, which doubled. ParkShoppingBarigüi, in Curitiba, which was more recently integrated into the app, had the second-best result in sales.
To bolster sales during the date and offer more ease to the consumer, Multi increased the catalog of products from stores that make sales directly on the application and expanded the number of operations available for purchases by phone and WhatsApp. With this, in addition to multiplying the sales volume in the marketplace, the superapp also generated tens of thousands of sales contacts through the direct sales channel that, with just one click, puts the customer in contact with the store by phone or message.
Other digitization processes are planned to be implemented in Multiplan's shopping malls, such as, for example, the expansion of the payment for parking with Multi, the availability of a Wi-Fi connection via the application, and access to services (such as the loan of strollers and baby wheels) and participation in face-to-face actions through the superapp when facilities and events can be resumed.