The Monument to the Victims of the Holocaust was inaugurated on Dec. XX, with a special ceremony. Comprising an obelisk almost 20 meters high that represents the Ten Commandments, the monument is part of the Rio Holocaust Memorial, a project that has the support of Multiplan and is sponsored by the president of the Company, José Isaac Peres.
On a previously abandoned 4,000 m² plot in Morro do Pasmado, Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro, the space will host a museum that will present information and images of victims and survivors of one of the greatest genocides in history. The Memorial is expected to be open to the public in the second half of 2021.
Multiplan and its president are donors and partners in the project, which emphasizes topics related to human rights, culture and tourism in Rio de Janeiro and Brazil. For José Isaac Peres, “this monument must be a beacon that shines forever, like a lighthouse illuminating Rio de Janeiro. And it will, above all, be a symbol of peace and understanding.”
With curatorship that is integrated with existing memorials in other countries, after the completion of the construction the project will enter the content implementation phase. In addition to the long-term exhibition, the Holocaust Memorial will feature space for temporary exhibitions, a souvenir shop, coffee shop and multipurpose space for educational and cultural activities.
“I am very honored to be able to be part of this initiative, both personally and through Multiplan. With the support we offered for the design and development of the Monument, we are looking to the future, creating a historical legacy and strengthening tourism in this city. By adding the beauty and peace of Mirante do Pasmado and the knowledge that the Holocaust Memorial will assemble, this project certainly will be among the most special places in Rio de Janeiro,” adds Peres.
The Holocaust Memorial is organized by the Holocaust Cultural Association Memorial with support from the City of Rio and sponsored by the private sector. The Institute of Development and Management (IDG), a social NGO for culture, is responsible for the implementation and curatorial design of the museum. IDG's partner in the creation and development of museography is SuperUber.