


Children's Month promises lots of fun in Multiplan's shopping malls

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Multiplan Group's shopping centers have prepared a special and fun-filled program to celebrate Children's Month. The agenda includes free attractions for the entire family, ranging from exhibitions and a theater festival through to cooking classes for the kids.

VillageMall, in Rio de Janeiro (RJ), has prepared several attractions for kids. After its vacation success, the Village Lab is returning to the mall between October 11- 28  with a slime and rainbow bottle workshop for children between the ages of four and 12, from 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on floor L1 (activities are subject to capacity restrictions). On Oct. 12, balloons and cotton candy will be distributed and photos taken by professionals on a special neon scene set. And in the Village Fun Lounge, a shopping area for children's enjoyment with interactive displays and lots of laughs will feature gastronomic activities: making and decoration of mini-pizzas, sandwiches, “brigadeiro” sweets and cake pops. In addition, throughout the month, each order of main course meal in the Capim Santo, CT Brasserie, Del Plin, Doc Bistro, Poor Juan, Le Vin and Madero restaurants enable children up to the age of seven to receive a children's meal as a courtesy.

For its part, ParkShoppingCampoGrande in Rio de Janeiro (RJ) is promoting sessions of Cia Teatro de Bolso and its fun and educational adaptation of the most beloved and popular classic pieces. The shows are put on every Tuesday and Wednesday of the month. Other attractions are also planned for October, including a "slime" workshop on October 11, and magic show from October 12 to 14 at 3:00 p.m.

BarraShoppingSul, in Porto Alegre (RS), receives the Flying in the Clouds attraction, running until October 14. Children from 4 to 12 years old will be able in an enchanting trip to fly in a balloon and rise to a height of three meters.  Parents and children will be able to record photos in a large balloon. Children will also be able to create a cloud-shaped lamp using materials such as glue and cotton. Another activity is to create a mobile with a bladder, protective fruit netting and a paper cupcake form.

Straight from the cartoons and movie screens, the heroes of the Transformers films, such as the iconic Bumblebee and the noble Optimus Prime, land at ParkShoppingBarigüi, in Curitiba (PR), in a new international exhibition, totally free of charge, to the joy of its fans. Children will be able to check out the exhibition up close, consisting of giant sculptures inspired in the series' most outstanding characters, running until October 14.

Also until October 14, BH Shopping, in Belo Horizonte (MG), will present the Orkids space for workshops and good-humored games related to the Giant Ogres exhibition (Orcs). In an environment decorated with a medieval theme, participants from 4 to 12 years old will play medieval archery and bowling games Children ages 18 months to 4 years old can have fun with puzzles and a pool filled with small balls. Through October 21, the mall also will feature the "Traffic and Me" event. Based on practical experience with games, children will learn, for example, to obey traffic rules, protect the environment, respect the elderly and people with disabilities.

Through October 14, MorumbiShopping in São Paulo (SP) holds the free "MorumbiShopping Experiments" event that will teach kids to create the famous slime and also the curious nebula bottle - a true "galaxy" in a glass pot, offering a play-learning experience. To get into the mood, children will wear lab coats and scientist's eyeglasses.

ShoppingAnáliaFranco, in São Paulo (SP), hosts the Impulse experience until October 19. The free event during Children's Month promises to involve the family in a scene setting full of lights, ideal to record the moments of leisure time spent in the unique project.  Among the attractions of the Impulse, of particular note is the sensory tunnel developed with delicate and small continuous lights that create a sensation of infinity and a trip through time.

ShoppingVilaOlímpia, also in São Paulo, presents the Xtreme Interactive Games, Virtual Reality circuit that brings technology to children and adults, until October 21. In the experience, VR glasses, game simulators and holographic activities will take visitors to the venture for fascinating adventures and scenarios.

Until October 14, the ParkShoppingSãoCaetano, in São Caetano do Sul (SP), will host the "PJ Masks" event with the Entertainment One (eOne) cartoon pajama superheroes hosted by Disney Junior. To make the experience even more special, Meet & Greet encounters will take place with the characters on October 6 and 7, and 12, 13 and 14 for photo shoots with the kids.

To celebrate, the ShoppingSantaÚrsula, in Ribeirão Preto (SP), will present a children's theater on Saturdays at 6 p.m. and on Sundays at 4 p.m. In addition, between October 8 and 14, from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., recreational events such as tongue-twisters, hopscotch, puzzle, button football, among others will be run, featuring actors from the Watermelon Group. Activities take place at the Main Entrance. In the same period, there will also be special workshops in the Gastronomic Space.

Between October 4 and 14, the JundiaíShopping, in Jundiaí (SP), will be the setting for free plays for children with "The Magic World of Theater." In the same period, JundiaíShopping also will be putting on the interactive Brinquedoteka da Estrela toy exhibition, which brings to the city a series of classic toys that marked the generations of the 1980s and 1990s. The audience will discover giant versions of hits like Genius, Aquaplay and Pop-Up Pirate. 


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