


Elephant Parade Rio opens studio at BarraShopping

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The public can follow the process of painting the selected projects live

Starting August 2, BarraShopping is hosting the Elephant Parade painting studio, which will be open until September 23. The public will be able to accompany live and in color the making of more than 20 selected sculptures for the event, which has among sponsors Suvinil, Rei do Mate and Amarula.

The studio will also feature an Elephant Parade store for the sale of elephant miniatures from other editions of the event and a custom kit so people can paint their own works. Twenty percent of Elephant Parade Co.'s net profit is earmarked for elephant preservation projects. The works will be exhibited for a month in BarraShopping and will then be displayed in the main tourist attractions of Rio de Janeiro. At the end, they will be auctioned for the benefit of philanthropic entities in Rio de Janeiro, elephant preservation projects and participating artists.

To follow the workshop's agenda, just go to the website:



The event was created in 2006 after Marc and Mike Spits, a Thai-born father and son on vacation in Thailand, "met" an elephant baby named Mosha who had lost his leg after stepping on a land mine. As of that encounter, they decided to put on a profitable, long-term event to ensure a sustainable future for Mosha, who became the mascot of the project. The first exhibition was held in 2007 in Rotterdam, Netherlands. Friends of Asian Elephant Hospital, Mosan's "home" in Lampang, were among the first organizations to receive contributions generated by the event and, to this day, continue to have its financial support. In its 27th edition, the EP has already toured important urban centers, such as London, Hong Kong, Amsterdam, Milan and São Paulo. At all of them, at the end of each exhibition the elephants are auctioned off and a portion of the amount collected is intended for elephant preservation projects, local institutions and participating artists.



Artist: Babi Wrobel

Elephants bring luck and good fortune. And who does not need a bit of this in these days? The artist Babi Wrobel attends yoga classes that have become the rage along Ipanema Beach and used the Indian culture as a reference to paint an elephant in the lotus position, greeting the landscape of Rio. Sukhi, which in Hindi means "quiet," will be painted with acrylic paint and poska pens.

"I was inspired by the tattoos and arabesques made in henna. However, in place of the Indian theme, I chose to place the elements present into the Rio de Janeiro beach scene, such as the Dois Irmãos hill, the sea, the kiosks and the coconut trees. I created Sukhi to try to pass along a sense of peace, joy and good luck to all who pass through it,"  analyzes the artist.

About the artist: Babi is an artist and illustrator. She was born and raised in Rio de Janeiro, where she has a degree in Graphic Design and began her career in the fields of Illustration and Cartoons.
Her works have already been published in advertising pieces, children's books, magazines, stamped on fabrics, in fashion and packaging items, among others. She has done work for clients such as Editora Callis, Editora Positivo, Escrita Fina, Editora Abril, Editora Globo, Editora Biruta, Natura, Sadia, Renault, Epson and Estrela, among others.


Artist: Levi Cintra  

The fusion of art, culture, tradition and innovation present in the Carnival was Levi Cintra'S inspiration to create an elephant that will portray Children's Carnival Schools of Rio de Janeiro, of which he has been part for ten years as an artist and designer. "The Children's Samba Schools develop socio-cultural activities, bringing the city of Rio de Janeiro closer to its roots," defends the artist.

About the Artist: Levi works in the Rio de Janeiro Carnival and considers himself a creative person, without following a particular style or tendencies. He already has participated in the parade production process for champion samba schools in Rio de Janeiro. And he is working on a project called "Ambassadors of Joy," promoting inclusion and accessibility.


Artista: Renan Cristian   

 With the proposal of maintaining the spirit of the "Marvelous City" even with the current economic and social crisis, Renan Cristian created the "Fantastic" elephant to revisit the main Rio points of reference, the iconic sights and the open air environment, the city's hallmarks.

"Although the theme is 'cliché', the geometric style is quite contemporary, with a nice palette that balances hot and cold tones, and brings a renewed and abstract view about the geography of Rio. The fantastic name refers to the color and takes the label "marvelous" to a new level. The technique will be graffiti, and I can use brushes for finishing details," explains the artist.

About the Artist: For over 15 years working in advertising, the artist also is involved in illustration projects. In 2017, he was invited to participate in the "Alphabet of the Samba" group exhibition, which happened in several places between Rio and São Paulo, and also to create a letter for the collective work of the "El Cabriton" website. This year he participated in the collective exhibition "The Face of Rio," Centro Cultural Correios, in Rio.


Artist: Flow  

Inspired by Brazilian native flora and fauna, the artist wanted to draw attention to the preservation of species "When children look at Jasmine, I want them to know and value native flora and fauna. The flowers are the Ipê and Jasmim Manga, native to the American Continent. The Macaws are the Ararajuba (yellow), Araracanga (red) and Hyacinth (blue). The leather and olive turtles are in danger of extinction due to habitat destruction and illegal capture," explains the artist.

About the artist: Flow was born in Lanus, Buenos Aires. Currently she lives in Bombas, in the South of Brazil, a coastal city in Santa Catarina. She has a degree in Visual Arts from Universidad del Museo Social Argentino. She gives art and recycling classes for children at Centro Cultural Recoleta. Recently, she participated in Art Sport and Solidarity for the Cafu Foundation, in Espaço Paulista de Arte.


Workshop with live painting

Period: August 2 to September 23

Location: Americas Level, A entrance


Period: September 27 to October 28

The works will be shown in various locations in the BarraShopping and the New York City Center complex

Time: from 1 p.m. to10 p.m. (Monday to Saturday) and 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. (Sunday)

Address: BarraShopping - Avenida das Américas, 4.666 - Barra da Tijuca
