


Multiplan invests R$ 39 million this Christmas

Multiplan's 18 shopping centers are investing a total of R$ 39 million this Christmas. The company expects sales to grow 12% compared to last year, with the flow of people to rise by about 10%. "Our malls are very well prepared for Christmas. All are using Christmas decorations previously unseen in their cities, running strong promotional campaigns with an even more complete mix of shops and services," explains Eduardo Novaes, Multiplan's general superintendent. This year, the Multiplan malls will hold drawings for 40 BMWs and two Mini Coopers. They also have invested in the "you bought it, you won" promotional campaign. In addition to awards, the company will provide an opportunity for 6,000 clients in Rio de Janeiro, the opportunity to watch actor and comedian Paul Gustavo in two different theater shows: "220Volts" and "Minha Mãe é uma Peça" (My Mother is a piece of work."