


International exhibitions rotate in Multiplan shopping centers through 2015

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In 2011, Multiplan launched an exclusive pioneering effort in bringing free international exhibitions to its shopping centers, offering the pubic an original option of leisure associated with culture and education. Since then, the company has invested more than R$ 14 million in the project.
For Multiplan marketing manager, Rodrigo Peres, exhibitions have considerable value for the Brazilian public. "It's very important for Multiplan to be able to bring, to the general public, projects that contribute so much to learning and entertainment for children, kids and adults", he says .
Until 2015, Multiplan’s shopping centers will display exhibitions such as "The World of Dinosaurs", "Secrets of Egypt" and "History of Shoes". Check out below a summary of each and their respective schedules:

- “The World of Dinosaurs”

The international exhibition "World of Dinosaurs" shows more than 10 animatronic replicas of Tyrannosaurus Rex, Pterosaurs, Velociraptor and Allosaurus, all of them in real size. The creatures exposed emit sounds and movements, which makes the attraction even more exciting and amazes children of all ages.

In addition to the replicas of dinosaurs, the exhibition brings fossils and a 7D movie with room for 9 people in each session. The movies guarantee excitement with effects as jets of water, wind, chairs that move up and a dinosaur’s tail that appears surprisingly beneath the chairs.

A big hit in Europe, "World of Dinosaurs" was adapted specially by D32 Exhibitions & Events to be displayed in Multiplan shopping center in Brazil. Since 2013, the exhibition had already passed by the following shopping centers: RibeirãoShopping, ParkShopping São Caetano, Shopping Vila Olímpia, ParkShoppingCampoGrande, BarraShopping, MorumbiShopping e ParkShoppingBarigüi.

Below, check the "World of Dinosaurs" schedule:

ParkShopping – Brasília (DF) – From July 9th to August 3rd. 2014
Shopping Anália Franco – São Paulo (SP) – From August 14th to September 14th, 2014
BarraShoppingSul – Porto Alegre (RS) – From September 22th to October 19th, 2014
BH Shopping – Belo Horizonte (MG) – From January 8th to February 2nd, 2015

- "Secrets of Egypt"

The exhibition "Secrets of Egypt" displays more than 140 pieces of sculptures, jewelry, tools, ceramics and paintings on papyrus, among other objects of Egyptian culture. Originals and replicas are divided by subtopics: Everyday Life, Building, War and Navigation, Dynasties and Gods. Are still shown details of the life of the famous pharaoh Tutankhamun, as well as respect of the egyptians by the death, symbolized by different types sarcophagi.

Highlights of the project are sculptures of gods Anubis, Horus, Amon and Thoth, who come to measure up to 2.5 meters in height, plus the replica of a sphinx. The exhibition includes pieces such as an original Ushebti sarcophagus and the throne of Pharaoh Tutankhamun, featured in famous museums in the world.

Brought to Brazil with exclusivity by Multiplan, "Secrets of Egypt" was developed by Agosin Events, chilean agency specializing in the production of major events. Until now, the exhibition has been displayed in ParkShopping, BH Shopping, MorumbiShopping e RibeirãoShopping.

Below, see the next shopping centers of Multiplan where the exhibition will be displayed.

BarraShoppingSul - Porto Alegre (RS) – From July 17th to August 17th, 2014
BarraShopping – Rio de Janeiro (RJ) – From September 26th to October 26th, 2014
JundiaíShopping – Jundiaí (SP) – From February 20th to March 29th, 2015
ParkShoppingBarigüi – Curitiba (PR) – From April 9th to May 10th, 2015

- "History of Shoes"

Comprising models that epoch, the project "The Story of the Shoes" shows the technological advancement of this important accessory along civilizations. The exhibition has replicas of rarities like the shoe created in 800 b.C., in Syria, and the wood sandal of Tutankhamen’s treasure. For who likes fashion, the project presents the famous models developed for Hollywood productions such as Cinderella and The Wizard of Oz, or worn by Marilyn Monroe, Sophia Loren and Brigitte Bardot.

Organized in twelve showcases, the exhibition explains the accessory’s association to good taste and human personality when exposed a lot of styles from the famous stilettos to traditional Oxford models to the practice of sport. The 92 exposed pairs are distributed into five topics: old shoes, designs, glamorous, famous and unique.

The exhibition is curated and produced by MK Group SRL, and CEFOTECA (Centre of Technological Training of Shoes from Argentina), together with Argentinean designer, Florence Laccana - responsible for the selection of models. After to be launched in RibeiraoShopping, the project will go to the following shopping centers:

- MorumbiShopping – São Paulo (SP) – From August 14th to September 7th, 2014
- ParkShoppingBarigui – Curitiba (PR) – From September 15th to October 5th, 2014