


On World Autism Awareness Day, Multiplan reinforces inclusion actions in its shopping centers

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) does not leave marks on the skin or have a characteristic feature, and is considered by many an "invisible" disease. This is one of the reasons that hinder the inclusion of people with Autism in many collective spaces.

Multiplan, through Multiplique o Bem (Multiply the Good), a hub of social responsibility initiatives, provides specialized care and services to offer the best experience to people with the disorder and their companions and caregivers in some of its shopping centers.

Special movie sessions: the blue session aims to encourage parents and family members of children with sensory disorders to go to see their favorite movies in a fully adapted and safe environment. In the movie theater, the sound is turned down and the environment is dimly lit. Furthermore, the audience is free to move around, sing, and enjoy themselves.

The Good Room: the space is intended for people with neurodiversity who are experiencing a crisis. A specialized team prepares the room to reduce the effects of sensory stimulation. This enables the individual and their family members to reorganize themselves in a more private and secure manner..

Mufflers: For people with ASD, dealing with noisy environments can be physically and emotionally painful and stressful. So, to ensure that leisure time is not interrupted, shopping malls now offer free, super-comfortable mufflers. The use of sound-proofing headphones helps concentration and minimizes the impact of noise.

Reserved parking spaces: Multiplan's malls have reserved parking spaces for people with ASD, their families and companions. The symbol is a ribbon with multicolored jigsaw puzzle pieces. When using the space, the driver must leave the card issued by the local City Hall visible inside the vehicle.

Multiplan is also supporting two walks to raise awareness about ASD, with the donation of biodegradable balloons to be used by the children along the way. The first took place on Sunday, April 2, at Leblon Beach in Rio de Janeiro. The second is scheduled for April 16, at Praia da Bica, on Ilha do Governador, also Rio de Janeiro. 

It is estimated that approximately two million Brazilians currently endure the disorder. As a result, on April 2, World Autism Awareness Day, we wished for a world with more respect, patience and understanding. After all, Autism is not curable; it can only be understood!