


Multiplan malls launch campaign in partnership with the Red Cross

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Always attentive to the most vulnerable members of the population, Multiplan is launching a campaign in partnership with the Red Cross to help hundreds of homeless and destitute families impacted by recent deluges in the state of São Paulo. The goal of the action, running through February 24, is to collect non-perishable foodstuffs, clothes, water, personal hygiene and cleaning products, bed, table and bath articles, and baby and geriatric diapers for the affected families.

In the capital city of São Paulo, the collection points are at ShoppingAnáliaFranco, where donations can be made in specific boxes located on the Tulipa floor, in front of Mundo do Cabelereiro and next to Vivo; at MorumbiShopping, with donations delivered to the boxes at Gate C and in front of Empório Santa Maria, both on the first floor; and at ShoppingVilaOlímpia, with collection points at the Olympics Entrance and at the Fidêncio Entrance.

In São Caetano do Sul (SP), ParkShoppingSãoCaetano will receive the donations at entrance A.

In Ribeirão Preto (SP), at RibeirãoShopping, donations can be brought to a point in front of Carrefour (Aquífero Guarani Sector), in front of the Events Center (Arts Sector) and at the Events Plaza A (Red Earth Sector). At ShoppingSantaÚrsula, the collection point will be at the Pátio Central.

All donations will be passed along to the Red Cross. It is also possible to donate any amount to the institution through the site