


Multiplan’s malls launch Christmas campaign

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Multiplan launched an unprecedented Christmas campaign on Saturday, Nov. 14 for its entire shopping center chain, featuring promotions in all 18 of the malls the Company manages. Created by the Taste agency, "The Valley” campaign consists of film clips of 45, 30, 15 and 10 seconds broadcast on open and closed TV and digital channels. Using images related to families preparing for Christmas, the videos portray the meaning of the date: fantasy, fun, care, comfort and offer gift vouchers, as well. The films end with a signature motto: "The Most-Expected Christmas Ever.” And they portray all the Christmas experiences and emotions that shopping malls impart to the public. This is the first time in the Company's 45-year history that the Christmas campaign for all its malls will be signed by Multiplan.

Bringing the traditional Christmas scenery highlighted in green, red and gold, Multiplan's 2020 campaign focuses on the Company's Christmas promotion, with purchase vouchers as the reward. Participation in the promotion will be digital: customers must access Multiplan's superapp, Multi, and register their sales invoices to receive a lucky number. The draws of the winning numbers will be linked to the results of the federal lottery until January 6. Winning customers will be contacted by the mall to exchange their vouchers for purchases inside the center itself. To read the promotion's regulations, simply access the shopping mall websites: MorumbiShopping, ShoppingVilaOlímpia, ShoppingAnáliaFranco, BarraShopping, NewYorkCityCenter, ParkShoppingCampoGrande, VillageMall, JundiaíShopping, RibeirãoShopping, ShoppingSantaÚrsula, ParkShoppingSãoCaetano, ParkShopping, BH Shopping, PátioSavassi, DiamondMall, ParkShoppingBarigüi, BarraShoppingSul and ParkShopping Canoas.

Throughout the campaign period, the safety measures adopted since the reopening of the malls will be maintained: reinforcement of the already intense cleaning routines, expansion of air renewal process, mandatory mask use by all, increase in the number of points with gel alcohol dispensers and limitation of maximum capacity, among others, pursuant to the determinations of the authorities of each city and state. These measures also comply with the strict protocols developed by infectologists hired by Multiplan, bolstering the malls’ commitment to health and well-being.

Multiplan's Christmas campaign can be seen on Youtube, in addition to the open and closed TV channels, radio programs, newspapers, and on the social networks of Multiplan, its malls and the Lápis Vermelho site. The Company also created a landing page where all the information about the promotion can be found. Learn more about Multiplan's Christmas campaign.


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