Donations take place on February 21 and 22
ParkShoppingCampoGrande has partnered with HEMORIO and receives a visit each month from the hemocenter team for blood collection at the mall. The next event will take place on February 21 and 22, Thursday and Friday, and donations can be made from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the L2 level, next to the Aquamar store. The distribution of passwords begins at 11 a.m., and the space is capable of attending up to 120 donors per day.
To be a blood donor, you need to be between 16 and 69 years old, weigh more than 50 kilos, be in good health and have an official photo ID. Young people aged 16 and 17 can only donate blood with the permission of their parents or legal guardians. It is not necessary to fast beforehand, but it is necessary to avoid fatty foods four hours before the donation and the consumption of alcoholic beverages 12 hours before.
The blood collection process can last up to ten minutes. The donor register by presenting an official ID document with photo and answer a questionnaire so that a potential situation or illness can be evaluated. He or she will also be examined by a health professional for evaluation of people at high risk of bloodborne diseases. HEMORIO notes there is no risk of contracting diseases through blood donation and that after the donation, the person will receive a snack and information about basic care.
After the collection, tests will be performed to determine the blood group and detection of diseases transmissible by blood; subsequenntly, they will be used by the network of state public hospitals, especially in major emergencies (traffic accidents, gunshot wounds, acute hemorrhages etc.) in surgeries and in patients with oncological and hematological diseases.
HEMORIO - a State Health Department (SES) body - is the coordinating hemocenter of the state of Rio de Janeiro, which distributes blood to about 180 public hospitals, including the large major emergency hospitals such as Getúlio Vargas, Souza Aguiar and Miguel Couto, maternity hospitals, neonatal ICUs and with agreements with the Unified Health System (SUS).
Check out the dates of upcoming blood collection events at ParkShoppingCampoGrande:
Dates: February 21 and 22
March 28 and 29
April 25 and 26
May 30 and 31
June 27 and 28
July 25 and 26
August 29 and 30
September 26 and 27
October 24 and 25
November 21 and 22
December 12 and 13
Hours: as of 11 a.m.
More information: Disque Sangue (0800 282 0708)