


Three Multiplan shopping centers are finalists in the Abrasce Award 2017

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The Brazilian Association of Shopping Centers (Abrasce) will hold its award event for the best projects in the sector in 2016 on September 13. Multiplan has three malls in the final selection in the "events and promotions" category with Ride Experience (BH Shopping), Valentine's Day (ShoppingAnáliaFranco) and Manual Market (MorumbiShopping).

The Abrasce Prize aims to reinforce the importance of the shopping center industry as an agent of transformation of the country's social, environmental and economic realities. Last year, more than 135 projects were entered in six categories, of which 39 winning projects were selected.

This year's winners, three per category, will be revealed at the awards ceremony on September 13 at the Tomie Ohtake Institute in São Paulo.

Learn more about our finalists:

Ride Experience - The Minas Gerais public's search for quality of life and opportunities for safe and comfortable physical activities, also in public places such as squares and parks, gave rise to the BH Shopping's Ride Experience. The event offered two indoor cycling classes along with 200 bikes assembled in the project's uncovered parking lot, as well as a recreational area for children and a gourmet space. The initiative also featured the "Basic Black Dress" dance group, which offered two free lessons during the indoor cycling breaks.

The event was very successful, with tickets sold out two months in advance.

Valentine's Day – To celebrate the date, ShoppingAnáliaFranco's strategy was to run a promotion that, in addition to offering good prizes also would involve a big event for its clients, packaged through a single, universal theme with ability to foster engagement and reverberate on the social networks.

Who doesn't love the movie theater? Who doesn't love a film? Who doesn't love popcorn? Starting from this idea, the event was divided into two stages: the first consisted of the bought-won-competed process that, for every R$ 400 in purchases, clients would be given a popcorn kit and a coupon to be in the running for two Jeep Renegades. In the second stage, a hotsite and a stand in the mall were created, where clients could vote on their favorite love film from a list of ten titles. By voting, they automatically competed for Cine Drive-In tickets. The 200 winners could take as many people as they wanted inside their vehicles. The event was run over three days, with the exhibition of the three most-voted films being screened.

Manual Market - MorumbiShopping, following the worldwide trend of giving more space to small producers, created an event to promote craftsmanship and the creative economy, in addition to offering workshops, product sales, music and attractions for the family.

The project was entirely made with recycled materials, plants and organic materials. The mall's atrium was "dressed" in wood, where 39 exhibitors, curated by the Manual Network, presented their work. There were also musical shows, free workshops, games and children's attractions.